
December 2023 Newsletter

This month was a Hands on Club Day, with the big lathe and two club lathes available. Keith Leonard also bought his lathe in from home. It was nice to see all of the club lathes in use, with Chris Withall taking a turn on the big lathe, showing how he takes a segmented bowl from blocky form to smooth curves, Janet spent some time with Howard providing a watchful eye and helpful guidance, and Paul taking some of the newer (and prospective new members) through an introduction to the various tools.

As was noted during the start of the meeting, we were down a couple of committee members this month due to commitments and illness, which made getting set-up for the day quite hard. This highlighted just how short we are on the committee with only 4 active and 1 partially retired members, so please have a think about whether you can help support the club and would consider joining the committee at the AGM in January. It's not an arduous job, but it would help to spread some of the decision making load around!

The next meeting will also be a club day. Saturday December 9th.
